Gradient nails!

3:03 pm

Not too long after painting my galaxy nails I decided to try something a bit simpler, I tried pink and blue gradient nails. By that I mean I tried pink gradient and then I tried blue. For these I had to make do with an eye shadow brush again since I still had no sponge!
I had recently visited Spain and bought a cute light shimmery pink nail polish which I used for the pink gradient. I used that pink nearest the cuticle and used NYC Lincoln square lavender and then Nails Inc. Primrose hill road, working my way to the tip. I used the Nails Inc. Harley street ridge filler for a base and NYC long wearing enamel for a top coat for both sets of gradient nails. 

I found the Nails Inc. Polish not pigmented enough and had to put several coats on the tip to make it as opaque as I did.

I think these came out quite well however I feel that if I had used a sponge the gradient would have looked a bit smoother.

For the blue gradient nails I used mostly the same polishes as I did for my galaxy nails. I used NYC pastle sparkly green, Barry M Cyan, a 17 navy blue and a Miss Sporty black.

I really like the colour the 17 navy nail polish comes out. 

There were a few cracks in these nails as I took these photos a little while after painting them.

I also feel these would have come out better if I had used a sponge, but I still like how they came out.

Thanks for reading, here's a cat!

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