"Not sure what to call these" nails!

5:07 pm

For these nails I'm not really sure what I was going for, maybe just an abstract look. Well anyway, I thought they would look nice and after finishing them I don't think they looked too bad. I first painted my nails with Nails Inc. harley street ridge filler. I then used a Gosh polish in Gasoline with a silver polish called Metal Fast Silver Speed (from Maybelline I think, the name kind of rubbed off the bottle) and a Barry M black polish with no name.

I tried to make a gradient kind of effect with the Gosh polish but a gradient throughout the hand, not on individual nails. What I mean by this is that that the polish is more transparent on the pinky and gets bolder as it works its way to the thumb. I did this by applying one coat on the pinky, two on the ring finger up to five coats on my thumb. I don't think this effect was as prominent as I would have liked.
I then added the silver stripes on my ring finger and the hash on my thumb using a striping brush. I used the same striping brush to do the black lines, after I had cleaned it of course.

I haven't got the most steady hands so the stripes didn't exactly come out perfect but I guess practice does make perfect.
Thanks for reading! Here's a cat.

Until next time!

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  1. Great choices. The purple looks so vibrant.
    Alex // www.prettythoughtsx.blogspot.co.uk


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